Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cayote & Roadrunner

Today, while Mary and I played catch in the backyard, we saw two cayoter! And we have seen several roadrunnere here too! Is not it cool?! Imagine if we could see them together again, just like the characters in the movie xD

Ahem .. Anyways, tomorrow we go to Toscahoma ^ ^ It's cool! = D

Yesterday we were on the YAB meeting (youth through school). All had to try his hand at puppet shows, and even though I've done it before the file was a little ækkert, these puppets move Mon arms as well, plus we had to talk (shock + _ +) english.
But the little sister of Austin helped me, so I think did it pretty well = p It was really nice!

And when we are in the Austin, he tried to speak Norwegian today, and it must be one of the most fun I've ever heard xD

Well, I must finish packing and add me, we go right after school tomorrow ^ ^ And Chris remind me so much about Grandfather! And he is looking forward so horrible, so I'm pretty sure he does not have soviet for several days! = P And he remind us that we should go to-Morrow all the time, and ask if we have finished the package, he will pick us up at school tomorrow, and we must not join the bus on the game tomorrow, and we must us take our blankets, and ..

Some of the sentences do not quite hang together .. = P

Pictures from today:

Gilmore, as in Gilmore Girls; D
(Maria do we live in Gilmore = p)


Cayote vs Roadrunner =p


  1. Du må skrive på norsk lille frøken.
    Så, du lærer Austin norsk...... Nå må du sende mamman din et bilde.
    Kos deg masse på indianerfesten, og husk kjede og armebånd. Du er jo bare super heldig som skal dit. Kos deg masse. Hils familien din.
    Glad i deg.

  2. gilmore girls! :D <3 haha :p fortsett å kos deg :)


    Gå-inn-nå-ja :) Thaaank youuu

  4. Kan du drite i å skrive på engelsk ? XS
    xD Du er NORSK .. Og jeg vil oxo ha bilde av nøttenøttenøtte brune øyne fyr ;P <33

  5. Prøver stadig å lokalisere deg på kartet. Fant Old Gilmore Road, men ikke McMillin Ln. Glad i deg fortsatt.......

  6. Sorry, men jeg skreiv faktisk på norsk.. PC'n må ha oversatt det eller noe.. For jeg skreiv på norsk!
